About Us
This website is made by two girls, Jeslyn and Isabella. Making a website by two people, well, you'd think that's pretty normal. But the girls made this website for a specific reason. This is what happened. So, one summer day the girls were walking home from summer recreation. Then just as sudden as the wind whistling through the trees, Jeslyn, one of the girls started counting all the pieces of litter. It wasn't long before Isabella joined in. Together, they counted nearly 300 pieces of litter in less than the whole town! The girls were awed by all the terrible litter and were determined to help their town. So the next day, Isabella brought rubber gloves and plastic bags and the girls picked up every piece of litter they saw on the way back home. Then they began to make creative posters and hang them up around the neighborhood.They were so busy none of them really noticed they had soon created their own environment club. One day, when they were walking home, Isabella, the other girl decided to make a website. So Jeslyn did, and it was a good idea. Thanks to them, now here's this amazing website.
How It started and Our Environment Club
All in all, the girls went from counting litter to picking up litter; then to an environment club, and finally to this awesome website! They are still determined to help the world, and hope that someday you will too!
You can make your own environment club! Gather some friends, make posters, pick up litter, or do any creative things to help the environment. Remember, Mother nature is always watching for you! -Keep Earth Green There is a slide show that will teach you how to create an environment club. To watch it, click here.
Think, Speak, and Do Something BIG.
Like this website? Visit another website by the same creators of this one, https://sites.google.com/site/takecareoftheenvironment/home