Below are some critical thinking questions that we would like you to answer. Please put some thought into your responses.
A writing contest is coming up for summer and here's the question: "Summer is finally here!! Now it's time for some hot, burning days and ice pops. What would you do to keep cool during the summer while being environmentally friendly?"
Send us your answer by July 28, 2014 and email your answer to environmentquestions@gmail.com, and we will select 3 winners and post their answer on this website (you may request to have your identity withheld.) Remember, the winners may not be the good writers, the winners are the ones who's ideas are most creative.
Thought Questions
1. What is nature?
2. Why should we protect the environment?
3. Why is the environment important to us? How is it important to animals and plants?
4. What can you do to take care of the environment? What can young children do?
5. Think about our motto (Think, speak, and do something BIG.) What does it mean?
Below is an attached file for lined paper.